Your set of items for the Bris include:

12 Disposable pampers
Before, during and after the Bris , the Mohel changes the diaper. This is done to insure your babe is absolutely clean throughout the procedure. This is essential to the health of your baby.

Baby wipes (one pack)
Make sure to take a pack of wipes so your baby can be kept clean at all times.

Baby gown
Your baby should be dressed in comfortable clothing. Onesie or a two piece outfit is a good choice.

Two full size pillows
The baby is carried into the room on the pillow. We then place the pillow with the baby on it on the chair of Eliyahoo. The baby is then moved onto the Sandik’s lap where the bris will be preformed.

Receiving blanket
A comfortable receiving blanket for keeping the infant warm and comfortable.

Neosporin, Bacitracin
These antibacterial solutions are kind to a baby skin and are perfect for keeping it free of possible infection

25 Gauze pads 4 by 4 inches
The gauze pads are used to hold the Vaseline which is placed on the penis after the bris. This speeds up the healing process.

13 oz tub of Vaseline instead of 1 large tub of Vaseline
After the bris, the Vaseline is applied to the area of the bris. When the Vaseline reaches body temperature it melts, soothes the skin and promotes healing.

Feeding bottle
Bring a bottle of milk or water so we can feed the baby right after the bris.

Helps parents soothe the baby if he is fussy. Keeps the baby calm and relaxed.

Infant Tylenol
You are also suggested to keep infant Tylenol in case your baby is fussy.

Kiddush cup and kosher wine
It’s preferable to use sweet wine. A good choice is Kedem or Manishewitz.
After the circumcision is performed, the blessings are recited by a Rabbi or the Mohel while they hold a cup of wine in their hand. Immediately following the blessing, the baby is given a Jewish name.
In case if you decided to perform Bris at home, you must prepare a large and durable table, and cover it with a clean towel.
Notes for parents

Make sure to feed the baby well two hours before the Bris

The baby should be given a spong bath around the bris area. DO NOT GET THE BELLY BOTTON WET.

DO NOT use any ointments 12 hours before the Bris