A Bris Milah ceremony is equally exciting and stressful for young parents. My goal is to reduce the stress as much as possible and to leave you with just the excitement. I achieve that objective by educating you on what to expect and how to take care of your baby post circumcision.
Please consider this information carefully, as it will provide you with answers to the most frequently asked questions and it will help you prevent any health complications from arising. Before we begin, we acknowledge that God is the healer of all flesh.
Care after the circumcision is rather simple. If you follow instructions, the healing process is quick. The objective of providing care is to keep the affected area as clean as possible to ensure proper healing of the tissues. As a general rule, restrict guests’ access to the baby for the first twenty-four hours following the circumcision. Anybody who comes in to contact with the baby must sanitize thoroughly with antibacterial soap before going near or handling the baby.

Guidelines to Bris Aftercare

With the proper aftercare provided, you can rest assured that your baby is on his way to a speedy and complete recovery. Only the most significant, meaningful and happy moments of Bris Milah will stay with you and your baby forever.
Mazel tov!!!